Treat the disease of obesity.

Having excess body fat is a disease and it has multiple co-morbidities. Our specialty is the medical treatment of this condition and its co-morbidities. Here at Dr. Simonds Metabolics & Weight Loss we treat patients with excess body weight, patients affected by obesity, patients with normal weight who have excess body fat, and patients who are trying to maintain their weight after having lost weight.

Are you serious about losing weight?

Make a plan you can follow.

At Dr. Simonds Metabolics and Weight Loss, we help you:

  1. Identify your weight loss goals
  2. Identify problems keeping you from hitting those goals
  3. Make and execute your plan.
  4. We support you on your journey and make tweaks along the way.

Weight loss is not a one-stop shop. During your initial visit, we begin figuring out what works for you.

What is your health worth to you?

Your initial visit is only $250. Follow-up visits are $85. There are no restart fees! This does not include the cost of any medications you may be prescribed.

Your first visit is approximately 60 minutes and includes a medical history, diet history, physical evaluation, and treatment plan development. You will be seen and evaluated by Dr. Simonds, one of our nurse practitioners or physician assistants. Follow-up visits occur monthly. Medications are refilled at each visit for one month at a time. Patients are welcome to come in to weigh anytime between visits, at no charge.

I’ll give you the tools, you give me the effort and together we can overcome obesity.

Ready to lose weight?

We have two offices for your convenience. One is located in Raleigh, NC and the other in Durham, NC.Which office would work best for you?

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