When it comes to a weight management program, there are several important areas to consider. Things like diet, exercise and other lifestyle choices will play a huge role in the success or failure of your program, but there are some other areas people don’t think about as often.

At Dr. Simonds Weight Loss, we consider all these important factors in finding you a physician supervised weight loss program that will get you results. One regular area we see patients lacking in before they come to us? Mineral intake, which plays a huge role in regulating several bodily processes related to weight.


Most people associate calcium with bones, but it actually plays a big role in weight as well. When you eat food, calcium in your bones and muscles helps convert this food into usable energy for the body.

For this reason, several studies have shown that calcium can be a major help for weight loss efforts. It can help with insulin levels, which plays a role in blood sugar, and can also offer metabolic advantages that help you burn fat more quickly. The FDA recommends you consume between 1,000 and 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day, whether through diet or a combination of diet and supplements.


Phosphorous is present in every cell in the body – it trails only calcium and is the second-most common abundant mineral in the body. It works with calcium to maintain the skeletal system, and you should have at least 1,000 milligrams per day.


Most people get the needed amount of potassium in their daily diet, but this amount should go up when you’re looking to lose weight. Many people who lower calorie intake during a weight loss program accidentally create a potassium deficiency in the process, which can lead to low energy and cramps. You should get at least 4,700 milligrams of potassium daily.


Magnesium is involved in numerous bodily processes, from nerve function to blood sugar. When it comes to weight loss, it’s important because it helps with muscle contraction in the body – this in turn speaks to metabolism and fat burning. Women should get at least 320 milligrams per day, while men should get at least 410 milligrams. Otherwise, you may struggle to break down food, which can damage weight loss efforts significantly.


Zinc helps boost protein synthesis and resulting muscle recovery, which in turn can improve your metabolism. You should take at least eight milligrams per day if you’re female and at least 11 milligrams per day if you’re male.

For more on essential minerals in weight loss, or to learn about our weight loss clinic and how our pros can help, speak to the staff at Dr. Simonds Weight Loss today.