Episode Summary
Welcome to today’s AMA episode with our hosts, Dr. Wickham Simonds and Michelle Kennedy, who share their knowledge on weight loss.
In this episode, our hosts answer questions on the use of medication in weight loss, also addressing how to identify true hunger with emphasis on when it is necessary to eat, and the role of some other weight loss practices.
Top Takeaways
- “Eat the right things to control hunger naturally,”
– [Michelle Kennedy, NP-C] - “Tracking helps with accountability; when you’re accountable you’re usually going to make progress”
– [Michelle Kennedy, NP-C] - “We need to sit less and move more”
– [Michelle Kennedy, NP-C] - “Let your diet be the cornerstone of your weight loss and exercise be a supplement to make you feel better”
– [Dr. Wickham Simonds] - “If you’re really hungry, you’ll eat what’s there”
– [Dr. Wickham Simonds]
Episode Highlights
- [02:07] Should I still eat to reach my calorie intake goal even if I’m not hungry?
- [05:08] The role of hormone replacement therapy.
- [08:43] Can HRT interfere with appetite-suppressing medication?
- [08:54] How do I get rid of face fat?
- [09:43] What’s the purpose of counting steps, and is it something that we should do?
- [12:32] Gaining weight at the beginning of a workout regimen.
- [15:45] Weight loss and chronic pain; I’m struggling with energy and stamina, I’m on Ozempic and not losing even though I’m cooking and eating low to no carb and sugar; can one cup of Milo hot chocolate with hazelnut cream be part of the problem?
- [19:50] What does hunger feel like? I keep hearing I should eat when I’m hungry but I’m not entirely sure what that means.
- [23:44] Can weight loss drugs be taken with prescribed Adderall?
- [28:18] Does CBD help with weight loss?
- [28:39] Does Apple Cider Vinegar help with weight loss?
Episode Notes
Should I still eat to reach my calorie intake goal even if I’m not hungry?
Only eat if you’re hungry.
In some cases, the idea that you always have to eat comes from the belief that if you wait till you get hungry, you will overeat, which applies to some people who need to schedule their meals before getting hungry.
However, the idea that you must meet a specific calorie requirement does not hold if you eat the right kind of food. Eating protein, fiber, and healthy fats helps you stay fuller. Also, there are medications to help with excessive hunger.
What is the role of hormone replacement?
While hormone replacement does have its place, it is not one of the tools used by our practice. There are practices dedicated to applying testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. One such facility is Optimal Bio.
Although this is a good approach, it shouldn’t be the core of your weight loss strategy but more of an adjunctive therapy with other primary tools.
HRT does not interfere with appetite-suppressing medication.
How do I get rid of face fat?
The first step is to lose weight, and then if after this your face still feels fat, visit our practice. We have a body contouring center that offers a free consultation.
What’s the purpose of counting steps, and is it something that I should do?
Whenever we track anything, we’re usually more likely to stick with it. However, we need to move more because we are built to move around.
Movement is good for our health in many ways. Steps constitute non-planned exercise, which significantly impacts body weight more than planned exercise.
It also helps to join group challenges.
Some people feel they gain weight at the beginning of a workout regimen.
Weight gain is possible but often depends on the type of regimen.
Additionally, people have a different mental picture of themselves compared with reality. Based on this, they try to carry out tedious exercises, which increases stress on the body leading to the production of stress hormones that cause weight gain.
Starting activities at a low pace with much patience is a much better approach. The main focus of your weight loss approach should be diet.
Additionally, the effect of exercise on many tissues results in water pooling there for healing which may add to your weight; this is normal.
I’m struggling with energy and stamina, I’m on Ozempic and not losing even though I’m cooking and eating low to no carb and sugar. Can one cup of Milo hot chocolate with hazelnut cream be part of the problem?
Chronic pain fits with the stress response. However, the trials of Ozempic have shown some people do not lose weight with it; they are called Non-Responders. Combination drug therapy, which involves adding other drugs, may help.
Getting a metabolic assessment from professionals in the field also helps get a more holistic picture of other factors, like what drugs interfere with your weight loss medication or knowing the proper dosage.
What does hunger feel like? I keep hearing I should eat when I’m hungry, but I’m not entirely sure what that means.
It is imperative to differentiate between psychological hunger and real hunger. Firstly, the goal of drug therapy is not to eliminate hunger but to reduce it and address it with a good-quality diet.
True hunger comes from the stomach. When you are hungry, you’ll eat anything. Psychological hunger, on the other hand, is usually more specific. It is a craving for certain foods.
It helps to find a distracting activity or eat a protein snack to reduce cravings.
Does CBD help with weight loss?
Yes, after consistent use, it may help you crave food less. It also helps with sleep, anxiety, and stress.
Does Apple Cider Vinegar help with weight loss?
Maybe it does, perhaps it doesn’t; the studies are not extensive. Although, acidic foods slow down the emptying of your stomach, which creates a feeling of prolonged satiety.
In the past, taking citrus products or vinegar before meals was common practice to help people eat less and help with blood sugar control. This may be the foundation of the use of vinegar for weight loss.