Episode Summary
In this episode, our hosts answer questions on plateauing on weight loss medicine, eating too few calories, how fast you should lose weight, how to accurately use a calorie tracker, hair loss, and getting enough nutrients in a calorie deficit.
Audience Questions
- [1:42] What happens when you plateau on the medicine you’re using for weight loss and you start gaining your weight back?
- [9:39] I did the keto diet off and on, but I suffer from kidney stones. Would a calorie deficit work better?
- [12:36] Is it true that eating too low calories causes the body to stop burning fat and slow down weight?
- [15:50] I’ve read a lot of people saying it’s healthy to lose only 1-2 pounds per week, but my scales have been roughly going down by 3-4 pounds per week. Is this bad?
- [17:42] Every calorie intake calculator asks for activity level. Generally, options are something like this: Sedentary (Office Job), Light Exercise (1-2 days/week), Moderate Exercise (3-5 days/week), Heavy Exercise (6-7 days/week), or Athlete (2x per day). I’m not sure which one I should select. I exercise 6 days a week in the gym. I do lifting, and I push myself pretty hard, I believe, but after I get out of the gym I don’t move much. It feels wrong to select heavy exercise just because I go to the gym 6 days a week. What do you think about it?
- [20:00] I have been on a 1,500 calorie per-day diet since October and have not broken it once. I’m down 64 pounds and have about 21 to go until I reach my target weight. I have started to notice more hair falling out in the shower. I don’t notice my hair thinning, just that more strands than I’d like come out when I’m in the shower. Is this normal on a diet like mine? I’ve seen some people online linking the diet and the shedding. Is this true in your experience?
- [27:14] Am I eating too little that it’s unhealthy? My app keeps track of nutrients, and I’m fairly low in some vitamins and potassium, but I can’t really add too many things and stay below my 1500 calories a day.